Google Nexus 10 — Who will build the Nexus 10?

  • Replies:7
Loie Favre
  • Forum posts: 877

Oct 4, 2013, 11:49:55 AM via Website

Hey peeps,

So today we got some news from a very trusted source evleaks that the next Nexus 10 will most likely be built by Asus instead of Samsung. We could hear about this officially as early as the 14th of October, however it's seems more probable that October 31st will mark the actual release/announcement date.

What is your take on this? Are you happy that Asus will continue to build Google tablets, after its success with the Nexus 7? Or were you hoping to see Samsung take another stab at a Google device?

Though I don't have one, I love the Nexus 7 and have loved using it! Asus did a bang up job so I don't doubt that their Nexus 10 would be any less amazing.

David Dave
  • Forum posts: 77

Oct 4, 2013, 1:31:59 PM via App

Asus¿ No. I'm ready to build the next Nexus:-D

David Dave
  • Forum posts: 77

Oct 5, 2013, 11:15:07 AM via App

By partnering with Asus! :-D

Amy Rice
  • Forum posts: 238

Oct 5, 2013, 1:36:46 PM via App

Hehe, I'll buy it!!!!!!!!!

"You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here & So Am I" - FZ

Amy Rice
  • Forum posts: 238

Oct 5, 2013, 4:13:52 PM via Website

Loie Favre
Hey peeps,

So today we got some news from a very trusted source evleaks that the next Nexus 10 will most likely be built by Asus instead of Samsung. We could hear about this officially as early as the 14th of October, however it's seems more probable that October 31st will mark the actual release/announcement date.

What is your take on this? Are you happy that Asus will continue to build Google tablets, after its success with the Nexus 7? Or were you hoping to see Samsung take another stab at a Google device?

Though I don't have one, I love the Nexus 7 and have loved using it! Asus did a bang up job so I don't doubt that their Nexus 10 would be any less amazing.

Seriously though, I'm not a big fan of this thing of potentially having no sd or micro sd slot. Google Cloud or cloud in general, not for me. I'm old school and prefer to make the choice myself on what to store where. Better control that way.........

"You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here & So Am I" - FZ

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Oct 7, 2013, 12:58:10 PM via Website

Hey Amy, I just mentioned this in the Nexus 5 manual article, but I thought I'd add it here too. Part of the reason Google don't include expandable memory on Nexus devices is undoubtedly to push cloud storage, but also because they don't want to license FAT from Microsoft. Another likely reason is to stop users from storing all their downloaded content (legally or otherwise) and instead attempt to make us more reliant on paid or free channel services (like GooglePlay/Amazon - Kindle's don't have expandable memory either). Unfortunately, while we may not like it, our options are reduced to live with it or buy another device. But when we're talking about super-cheap, high-end Nexus devices it's not so easy to simply pass them up for the SD card issue. The Nvidia Tegra Note might be a decent alternative.

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Eddy Fosman
  • Forum posts: 14

Oct 11, 2013, 4:23:01 AM via Website

Thank you for this information -_-
